
20mph Speed Limit for Ilkley

The ICA strongly supports the introduction of a universal 20mph speed limit in Ilkley.

Benefits of a 20mph Limit

The benefits of a 20mph limit are numerous and impact all residents:

  • It's beneficial for children and the elderly, ensuring safer roads for our most vulnerable.
  • It promotes mobility equality and is good for those with disabilities.
  • It encourages cycling and walking, fostering a healthier community.
  • It improves air quality and reduces noise, contributing to a better environment.
  • It's effective for casualty reduction, making our roads safer for everyone.
  • It's good for communities, creating a more peaceful and pleasant living environment.

20mph Limit: A Growing Trend

The 20mph limit is not a new concept. It's already the speed limit for nearly 28 million people in the UK and has been implemented by councils of all political persuasions. Wales is making 20mph the default urban speed limit in September 2023, and Scotland plans to do the same in 2025.

Children's Safety

Children have a right to a safe journey along the whole route from home to school, not just around the school. Limiting the traffic speed to 20mph helps to ensure this safety.

Benefits to Drivers

For drivers, there's no downside to a 20mph speed limit. It doesn't significantly impact journey times within the town, and drivers too will benefit from the increased safety and reduced noise and pollution.

Speed Bumps: Not a Necessity

I am hesitant about the necessity for speed bumps and do not endorse them, at least in the first instance. There is no legal requirement to use vertical traffic calming measures such as the proposed cushions and tables.


In conclusion, if the decision is to implement both a 20mph limit and speed bumps together, I would reluctantly vote in favour. My support for the 20mph limit outweighs my dislike for speed bumps. However, my primary advocacy is for the 20mph limit, which I believe will bring numerous benefits to Ilkley.

For more information I recommend that you read Communities Want 20mph: A blueprint for successful delivery which lays out the arguments very clearly.

20mph sign in the shape of a heart